sure of her age... maybe a month or 2??? She is real cute.
Regarding monica's comments....
1) no... no goat friend. She see's the other goats around and often calls to them, but they don't mind her. The one baby goat that came by her the other day she chased it away???
2) She only stays tied up inside the porch when I am gone. If I am home, I am usually with her, or we are out in the grass. I don't really trust the kids to be nice to her. They are loud and have erradic movements and she freaks out.
3) She eats puppy food now, about 10 pellets a day. The vet said it should help give her a balanced diet and let her get stronger from being sick.
She is so cute! You should give her straw or something to forage on. Also, goats really like to climb up on stuff. Maybe you could stack chairs or different items to let her get up high and climb. She is super cute and I am sad that she will be eaten when you leave! Isn't there a petting zoo you can donate her to in a big city? :)