Monday, June 15, 2009

1 week before departure!!!

Well... am I excited? Yes. Am I scared? Yes. Am I ready? NO!! I feel like I have a million and one things to do, and not enough hours in the day to do them!!! I am having issues with my insurance company not wanting to give me enough malaria medication, piles of dirty clothes that need to be washed and packed, homework that needs to be done for my online class, and too many last minute details to worry about. The whole situation is kind of surreal. 6 months. That is a really long time. I know I will have an awesome time, I just will miss home very much. My family, my friends, the food, my car!!! haha. I hope to do this blog justice by keeping everyone up to date with details and pictures.
Love, Steph


  1. Hi Steph..

    I just figured out how to do this so I had to test a short message. Pretty cool that I am now
    a blogger for the first time. Just called British Airways and you are due to arrive in Ghana right now as I speak..everything is on schedule. You had a tough time getting under the weight limit with your HEAVY bags, but you did it.

    It is HOT here today so we can all relate to where you are at...we are on the same humid page!

    Can't wait to here what you think and what everyone is like...some pictures would be great
    too. Talk to you soon when you get settled.

    Love, MOM
