Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Funerals in GH - part I

These are some pics of a funeral I attended this past Saturday in a town called Dunkwa. Funerals are always red and black. The people closest to the family, wear red and black cloth, and the others can have any variation of black, brown, red, maroon, etc. The funerals themselves are usually pretty big, and quite complex. The photo on the left is a memorial for the deceased. Pics of them are displayed in the center of the funeral area. Then, there are big tents with red chairs in them. Upon entering the funeral you proceed in a single file line, males in front, females in back, usually in order of age too. You go around the entire interior perimeter of the funeral, and shake the hands of everyone in the front row. This is your greeting to all those that are already there. The front row is usually the close friends and family of the deceased. Then, once you make your way around, you also take a seat in a row. These same people you greeted will now come around and greet you in the same fashion, this is them welcoming you to the funeral. More details to come on what happens after your there.

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