Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Invasion of the local cattle

I was unable to get a pic of the cows actually in our yard, but.... this is close enough. This is just by our gate near our house, near the Westphalian sign. The cows roam around eating wherever they want to. The 2 kids pictured are helping their dad round up the cows!! hehe. I think there must have been about 20 or so in the herd. Pretty funny ehh??


  1. This is a great picture...it is like something out of national geo magazine! Those bare foot kids are awesome...do most village kids go barefoot? Is that a tro tro taxi in the background? Please take a picture of a taxi so we can see it as well as a day at the local market!
    PLus inside the hospital picture too!
    Love, MOM

  2. So they leave the horns on their cattle, huh? We dehorn in the U.S. due to safety (of both humans and other animals) and bruising when being shipped to slaughter (decreases carcass value). Maybe there is not much aggression because they are free to roam and get away? Do they ship animals to slaughter in a plant or do it themselves?

    Also, why is that sign in English?
