Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lake Bosomtwe

This is our day trip with the entire village last week.... about 60 kids in total were there!!! Lake Bosomtwe is the biggest natural lake in West Africa!!! It was a bit cloudy that day, so there is some fog over the mountainous areas... it is very beautiful though.

The man in the water is transporting bunches of plantains across the lake to another village via his raft. He had flipper-like paddels attached to his hands that he used to move the raft. Very cool.
The kids swam and swam all day. I personally did not go in the water as it was too cold. I also am not a big fan of walking in water where I can't see the bottom.... there might be dead fish, seaweed or other gross stuff down there. No thanks. I had fun watching the kids play though.


  1. I like these ones alot! I like to see pics of the landscape the most! The mountain areas look so wild, I love it!

    I want someone to take a picture of you walking Annabelle on that burnt down house so I can see how high she climbs up! Okay? :)

  2. Are there alligators in there or Pirranahs(Fish)??
    Was it warm or cold? Sandy or mucky bottom?
