Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New pic of AB (aka Annabelle)

This is naughty AB in the gutter in front of the house.... she rolls around in it. In this particular pic I am leaving her outside and going in the house.... right after this pic she started crying and came running up to the gate. haha. She has a very naughty face here. Too dang cute. She looks like she is saying.... "heyyy what u doing??" I will take more pics tomorrow.... the other one's I took are not too clear, she doesn't pose well.

1 comment:

  1. She is so cute! It makes me want a naughty little goat. haha. I want to see a picture of her climbing that rubble too. How much does she weigh now? Does she ever wander too far? Or does she stay by you because she has imprinted on you and she thinks you are her mom?
