Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obama in Ghana

This sign is up near Kumasi.... many of them are around..... some with just Obama.... some with the President of Ghana on one side, and Obama on the other. Haha. It is pretty funny. Note the merge of the GH/US flags on the top!!!
Akwaaba = Welcome in Twi :)
They sell lots of Obama gear around...posters, t-shirts, pins, necklaces, pendents, flags, etc. When he came to Ghana in July it was a pretty big deal!!!! Obama-fever you could say.


  1. This is so weird because this sign makes it look like Obama is the president of Ghana, not the U.S. Do they still like him now that he has been in office awhile? Why do they like him... his views or because he is African American? Just curious.

  2. They still like him. Anytime I wear my "Stephanie Loves Obama" shirt or my "Obama for Change" shirt everyone loves it. Or... even when I'm not wearing an Obama shirt, and they find out I am from U.S.... shortly thereafter will come the comments about Obama... haha.

    Umm... they like what he stands for... but I think mostly because he is "AFrican"... to them. He is half Kenyan... and even though that is not the same as being Ghanaian... it is still AFrican. So... they realize he is an African American, but they like the fact that a black man is president of the most powerful nation in the world. At least... that is what they tell me and what I have observed.
